
Publication Date

October 2013



The following exploratory research is an examination of professor experiences with teaching on the topic of white privilege. Drawing from critical race pedagogical theory and real classroom experiences, the various solutions professors found to be useful are reported. Data were compiled from a sample of published literature on challenging whiteness and in-depth interviews from four professors at Southern colleges who have written on this topic. The results of this research illuminate some of the various classroom dynamics, course design ideas, teaching techniques, theoretical utilities, and future professional directions for challenging white privilege. Although the scope of this study is humble, the results may resonate with and be useful for teachers and scholars of all kinds who have grappled with these issues themselves or are seeking to incorporate elements of challenging privilege into their own curriculum or research agenda. This research is an exploration into some of the very unique struggles that professors may face when attempting to unveil white privilege, and explains how these are being overcome for the purpose of use as a teaching and professional tool and a platform for future research.
