
Publication Date

June 2018


Recently, there has been a growing interest in teaching sociology to high school students. Yet, unlike other academic fields that are well established in high school curricula, there are few well-known models of how to expose high schoolers to sociology. In this article, we assess one project designed to engage high school students with their sociological imagination through research and writing. In this project, students enrolled in a high school honors sociology course were paired with graduate student mentors at the [University] who offered guidance at each stage of the research process. Our assessment of this project highlights one model for high-school university collaboration while also illustrating the benefits of practicum-based independent research projects in addressing the needs of Latina/o high school students. Through interviews with students who have previously participated in the project, we demonstrate how this particular program developed hard and soft skills, increased students’ academic confidence, and fostered critical thinking by encouraging students to analyze issues pertinent to their own community.
