Date of Award

Fall 12-14-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Instructional Technology


Instructional Technology

Committee Chair

Dr. Jo Williamson

Committee Chair/First Advisor

Dr. Jabari Cain

Second Committee Member

Dr. Julia Fuller


This research presents a case study on the parent role in adolescent digital citizenship in the Southeastern United States. This study involved ten parents of middle school students who are exemplars of involvement in their children’s digital lives. Research shows that teens are using technology at a rapid rate and there is a need for positive digital citizenship among youth. Research studies have been conducted on adolescents, teachers, media specialists, and administrators regarding digital citizenship. There is a need for research to be conducted involving parents and what role they play in the development of their child’s digital citizenship skills. This research study seeks to understand parent definitions of digital citizenship, concerns about digital citizenship, and ideas about what adolescents need to learn about digital citizenship. Findings include mediation strategies, both active and restrictive, that parents are using to help guide their teenager through the digital world. Findings also include resources and support identified by the participants as being needed to help them with parental guidance. Suggestions for future research and parent resource development are included.
