2.04 July 2009 Financial Services Newsletter

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July 2009 Newsletter for Financial Services

Table of Contents:

In this issue:
* From the Desk of Dr. Roy

ASaP (Auxiliary Services and Programs):
* Tax-Free Weekend
* Back to School Promos
* Book Orders Due
* KSU Print Shop Open
* Non-Student Meal Plans
* Dining Hall Open House
* New Citation System
* Surplus News
* KSU Vending News

Budget & Planning:
* 2011 Budget Development

Business Services:
* Happy New Year!
* Expenses in FY10
* P-Card Audit
* New Registration Reports
* FY10 Agency Contracts
* Office Supplies Contract
* Sole Source Basics
* What's Up in Procurement?

Card Services:
* New & Improved!
* Job Shadowing
* Marketplace News

PMO (Project Management Office):
* Red Flags Rule Program
* PeopleSoft Changes & You

* Veterans to Students
* Dalton Earns CPPO
* Rita Adams Quoted

Also this month:
* Meet this long-time KSU employee, and the lady behind the numbers, General Ledger Accountant Linda Sayne
* Get to know this Veteran and "above and beyond" individual, KSU Bookstore Assistant Manager Percy Ivey

Guest Columns:
* The Path to Division I: Charting KSU's Trip, by Dr. David L. Waples
* What is Information Security?, by Jennifer L. Riva
