Ins and Outs of School Facility Management: More Than Bricks and Mortar


Educational Leadership

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Ins and Outs of School Facility Management: More Than Bricks and Mortar explores often-overlooked concerns in today's school districts: maintenance and renovation. Many school buildings have to be replaced sooner than anticpated or need major repairs as a result of delayed maintenance. It is commonly believed that a school building is not worth keeping when the renovation amount exceeds 50% of the cost of new construction. In actuality, most school buildings--except in the case of structural deficiency--can be attractively renovated at a reasonable cost. If school buildings are planned for years of extended use, then fewer schools need to be built.

Chan and Richardson are disheartened to see that many school districts fail to properly maintain their facilities and/or make use of the full potential of their existing buildings. In economically tight years, planning for effective school maintenance and renovation programs makes sense. In this copublication with the Association of School Business Officials International, each chapter is comprised of a detailed discussion of current and future issues in maintenance and practicing exercises. Also included are tips and guidelines for handling school maintenance and renovation, specifics on planning and implementing maintenance and renovation projects at both the school and district levels, and additional references.

This document is currently not available here.
