"Lucy's Secret" is an interactive fiction following a young girl, Lucy, through her fifth-grade school year while she tries to cope with her mom's alcoholism. This story details Lucy's struggles with ..
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"Lucy's Secret" is an interactive fiction following a young girl, Lucy, through her fifth-grade school year while she tries to cope with her mom's alcoholism. This story details Lucy's struggles with her feelings about her mom while also navigating through challenging life circumstances brought on by her mom's drinking. This story was created as a guide to help adults gain a deeper understanding of alcoholism from a child's point of view, so they can provide these children the support they need to thrive.
To explore this interactive fiction (hosted on itch.io), click on the link and enter the following password when prompted. You can also download the HTML file below and explore the piece in a web browser of your choice.
Link: https://kallran46.itch.io/lucys-secret
Password: lucy
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