

During the fall semester of 2003, Eastern Kentucky University libraries and the NOVA program for first year students initiated a collaborative effort aimed at achieving two goals: 1) better prepare the one hundred students selected to participate in the NOVA program for their career at EKU, and 2) provide those students with information literacy skills needed to function as discriminating consumers of information throughout their lives.

This article will discuss the creation and outcomes of our first year of collaboration. It will touch on our positive experiences and on some of the challenges EKU librarians encountered as we worked with NOVA faculty to create an information literacy program designed to complement the freshman experience while at the same time teaching basic information literacy skills in such a way as to encourage retention. It will also share some of our experiences to demonstrate the value of true collaboration between different departments of a university in positively affecting the lives of college students and thereby serve as a model for others who might wish to develop similar programs.

Publication Date

Spring 2005
