Date of Award

Spring 5-7-2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Professional Writing


Department of English

Committee Chair/First Advisor

Dr. Kurt Milberger

Second Advisor

Dr. Jeanne Law


As taught in standard high-school and general educational courses, integration was a primary goal of the Civil Rights Movement; however, when this era is discussed in classrooms, by historians, and in textbooks there are key perspectives and acknowledgements that are less recognized. The visibility of the Black women who pushed forward the movement is often reduced, overlooked, or overshadowed because of the more celebrated contributions of their male counterparts. Focusing on an era before the internet, with the eloquent writing of activists like Dr. King memorialized, this project aims to showcase how changes in course curriculum can shed light on the life and legacy of three black women who used their roles as writers, editors, publishers, and journalists to help document and advocate for integration during the Movement as some of the challenges they faced were the hands of respectability politics.
