Module 7: Building a Module

Publication Date



This free teacher professional development resource prepares teachers to gain and demonstrate the introductory knowledge of effective K12 blended and online instruction as defined by the International Association for K12 Online Learning.


Overview of Tasks:

  1. Watch the instructional video
  2. Review the example modules, and read Dr. Vega's self-assessment carefully
  3. Download the Module Checklist and read carefully
  4. If you do not already know how to create a public webpage, complete a web creation tutorial(s)
  5. Develop a learning module and self-evaluate using the Module Checklist
  6. Participate in the discussion forums
  7. Turn in your K12 learning module (and self-evaluation) as required by your instructor or share with your peer learning group
  8. Complete the iNACOL Post-Self assessment
  9. Participate in the final discussion forum about the post-assessment
