Date of Award

Fall 12-14-2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Instructional Technology


Instructional Technology

Committee Chair

Dr. Julie Moore

Committee Chair/First Advisor

Dr. Julia Fuller

Second Committee Member

Dr. Jabari Cain


This qualitative case study explores the experiences of K-12 art teachers in the United States who participate in the #K12ArtChat, as a form of professional learning. Grounded in social constructivist learning, connectivism, and informal learning, this study addressed how and why art educators use Twitter Chats for professional growth and the potential impact of participation on their teaching practices. Five themes emerged from this study: Twitter's role as a professional development art education platform, the fostering of personal relationships and support, active community participation and advocacy, continuous professional development, and any perceived pedagogical shifts. With a significant emphasis on combatting the pervasive issue of teacher isolation, especially for those educators positioned as singletons without access to content-specific professional learning opportunities, the findings advocate for a shift in the perceptions and practices surrounding professional development for K-12 art educators.
