Pro-Environmental Behavior: Does It Matter How It’s Measured? Development and Validation of the Pro-Environmental Behavior Scale (PEBS)


Sociology and Criminal Justice

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Many empirical studies examine the performance of pro-environmental behavior. A review of 49 recent studies revealed 42 unique measures of pro-environmental behavior. Analysis of these studies indicates a lack of consistency among the various behavioral measures. To address the issue of inconsistency in such a critical variable, I developed a new measure, the Pro-Environmental Behavior Scale (PEBS). The behaviors included in this scale are those identified by environmental scientists as having the greatest impact on the environment. Principal components analysis generated a 19-item scale with four dimensions. Coefficient alpha for the full scale was .76. Coefficient alphas for the subscales ranged from .62 to .74. Bivariate Pearson correlations between the PEBS and the New Ecological Paradigm Scale, the Environment Identity Scale, and the Environmental Regulations Attitude Scale demonstrated the scale’s construct validity. Test-retest correlations were strong, demonstrating reliability of the PEBS.
