Coauthoring in Refereed Journals: Perceptions of Finance Facuity and Department Chairs

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 1997


This article examines the nature of finance faculty members' coauthoring experiences. The faculty members were asked to provide information about their most recent coauthoring experience that resulted in an article being accepted for publication in a refereed journal. The vast majority of the respondents had a very recent coauthoring experience, for 84 percent of respondents indicated a publication date for their most recent coauthored article of 1994-1996. Almost all of the articles were written by two or three authors, and nearly 40 percent of the coauthoring teams were all from the same institution. Three-quarters of the coauthors had worked together previously. The faculty was overwhelmingly positive about their most recent coauthoring experiences. The faculty agreed that coauthoring improved the quality of the work, productivity was increased by coauthoring, they would work again with the same persons, and coauthoring was a very positive experience. Improving the quality of the research has been cited by several others as a primary advantage of coauthoring and this factor received the highest ratings from finance faculty as well. Quality improvements may be the biggest advantage of coauthoring.

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