Date of Award

Summer 7-31-2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Ed.D. in Teacher Leadership


Bagwell College of Education - Department of Educational Leadership

Committee Chair/First Advisor

Jen Wells

Second Advisor

Cathey Goodgame

Third Advisor

Beth Marks


This qualitative case study involved a sample of middle school teachers participating in a cross-curricular peer observation of teaching (POT) program. The study aimed to explore the experiences of these teachers in the POT program, focusing on its impact on teaching pedagogy and partner relationships. Data collection methods included a demographic questionnaire, writing prompts, feedback forms, observation of feedback meetings, interviews, and a researcher journal. The findings demonstrated that cross-curricular peer observations are perceived as an effective form of professional development among this group of middle school teachers, benefiting both the observer and the observed. Participants acquired and implemented new teaching strategies through observing their peers, engaged in reflection and feedback, and experienced increased self-efficacy. Observation cycles emphasized student-centered learning and a desire for cross-curricular integration. Additionally, new relationships were formed among participants and existing relationships were strengthened through collaboration and professional dialogue. The findings from this study have implications for promoting student-centered learning, enhancing cross-curricular integration, strengthening individual and collective efficacy, and fostering cohesion and coherence in middle schools.

Keywords: peer observation of teaching (POT), cross-curricular, middle school, teacher pedagogy, teacher relationships


Graduate College Doctoral Award-Teacher Leadership
