Defense Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Information Systems

Committee Chair/First Advisor

Dr. Adriane Randolph

Committee Member or Co-Chair

Dr. Stacie Petter

Committee Member

Dr. Donald Amoroso


This research seeks to better understand an individual’s use of mobile devices and the matching fit between type of mobile device and activity. As mobile devices swiftly progress and alter individuals’ ways of interacting with technology, a more comprehensive understanding of how tasks are impacted may help ensure appropriate device selection. The ability for more targeted device selection may increase use and help mobile device users and designers avoid the pitfalls of pre-existing, traditional technology.

Building on identified antecedents of success from the DeLone & McLean Information Systems Success Model and focusing on the measurement of hedonic and utilitarian tasks and Goodhue & Thompson’s Task-Technology Fit Model, the study was applied against four defined categories of mobile devices. The primary study used a survey to test a research model which examines task-technology fit in the context of mobile devices. A secondary feasibility study employed neurophysiological tools with a focused experiment to explore the impact of the technology and the nature of the task on fit.

At present, this is one of the first studies that attempts to manipulate both task and technology in a study of fit yielding results for practitioner and researcher alike. Specifically, researchers will gain additional insight into users’ engagement with smartphones, tablets and mini-tablets for hedonic and utilitarian tasks. For practitioners, this study hopes to inform them of the types of tasks users are performing regularly and types of devices are being used. This work may assist in forming future device technical designs and specifications.
