

Streaming Media

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Start Date

25-4-2024 4:00 PM


This project’s objective is to develop a fully functioning and polished mobile app for keeping track of caloric intake and monitoring other aspects of one’s health. To accomplish this, we will be using React Native to develop a front end which allows users to select their goals and get active assistance in moderating what they eat. This will be done through the scanning of barcodes of any food purchased. These barcodes will then be used to query the Food Data Central API to provide the user with as much information as needed. This will include possible allergies, calorie totals, protein totals, and more relevant information.


Apr 25th, 4:00 PM

UC-100 Indy 7 - Nutrition App


This project’s objective is to develop a fully functioning and polished mobile app for keeping track of caloric intake and monitoring other aspects of one’s health. To accomplish this, we will be using React Native to develop a front end which allows users to select their goals and get active assistance in moderating what they eat. This will be done through the scanning of barcodes of any food purchased. These barcodes will then be used to query the Food Data Central API to provide the user with as much information as needed. This will include possible allergies, calorie totals, protein totals, and more relevant information.