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25-4-2024 4:00 PM


In this demonstration, we propose a framework for exploring, identifying, and matching repeated behavioral health keywords in first-responder reports to the current set of Behavioral Health Index Terms provided by subject matter experts (SMEs). The tool incorporates behavioral health-related keywords and has a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that allows non-technical users to explore and analyze 911 first-responder reports. We utilized an inverted index, best-matching (BM25), and plain-text searching algorithms to match keywords in first-responder reports. This tool provides a comprehensive approach to report analysis by identifying indicators of mental health disorders and taking into account the assessments of humanities and social science professionals


Apr 25th, 4:00 PM

GPR-18 Case Exploration: Automatic Keyword Matching Framework for Behavioral Health


In this demonstration, we propose a framework for exploring, identifying, and matching repeated behavioral health keywords in first-responder reports to the current set of Behavioral Health Index Terms provided by subject matter experts (SMEs). The tool incorporates behavioral health-related keywords and has a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that allows non-technical users to explore and analyze 911 first-responder reports. We utilized an inverted index, best-matching (BM25), and plain-text searching algorithms to match keywords in first-responder reports. This tool provides a comprehensive approach to report analysis by identifying indicators of mental health disorders and taking into account the assessments of humanities and social science professionals