Date of Submission

Spring 5-7-2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Architecture



Committee Chair/First Advisor

Sang Pil Lee


Healing the wounds of the earth and its people through the revitalization of depleted quarries Revitalizing depleted quarries is essential for healing both the scars on the earth's landscape and the adverse effects on local communities. Despite their necessity for construction, quarries often leave lasting negative impacts, diminishing the quality of life for nearby residents and harming the environment repeatedly. This thesis advocates for a comprehensive approach to revitalizing the depleted quarries by, integrating ecological restoration, economic redevelopment, and community engagement through an architectural lens. By implementing these restoration techniques and incorporating architectural design principles driven by ecological, social, and economic considerations, it becomes possible to renew these sites into sustainable landscapes that promote both environmental health and economic prosperity.

Included in

Architecture Commons
