Date of Submission

Spring 5-7-2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Architecture



Committee Chair/First Advisor

Ermal Shpuza


Streets in Atlanta have become exclusionary to one or more functions, uses, and communities. Streets dominated by a single demographic or function contribute to urban decline. Such streets lack diversity in activities and uses, leading to increased crime, decreased engagement, and a dying urban fabric. Architects play a crucial role in reversing this trend by designing with a focus on streets’ implications and the needs of diverse communities. By prioritizing diversity and inclusivity in street design, architects can foster a thriving urban environment. The goal of my thesis is to propose an urban design process centered on the street section, promoting the integration of various functions, uses, and communities for a more vibrant and sustainable cityscape. Initially, I conduct an examination of precedents pertaining to retail and housing functions, yielding the framework for several unit plans. Subsequently, Ted Turner Drive in Downtown Atlanta is chosen as the focal point for the implementation of this design approach. Notably, Ted Turner Drive is predominantly characterized by parking facilities, with minimal residential development. Following a comprehensive analysis of pertinent factors associated with Ted Turner Drive, I direct my design efforts towards the strategic incorporation of additional retail and housing elements along the street. Numerous design methodologies exist to cultivate a more diverse and inclusive street environment. Within the scope of this thesis, particular emphasis is placed on four primary approaches: retail access, housing access, small block formation, and architectural typology diversity. Each of these conceptual frameworks is subsequently turned into specific design strategies applied to the rehabilitation of Ted Turner Drive. Notably, detailed unit plans are developed to facilitate retail and housing accessibility. Additionally, the analysis of block dimensions has informed the implementation of pedestrian pathways, fostering the creation of smaller, pedestrian-friendly blocks. Moreover, three distinct architectural elevation approaches are formulated to enhance the diversity of building typologies along the street. Following the development of the four design approaches tailored to Ted Turner Drive, a comprehensive integration of these methodologies is orchestrated to formulate a street design conducive to the advancement of diversity, inclusivity, and communal engagement across various functions and demographics. This amalgamation is achieved through the strategic incorporation of retail and housing access enhancements, the subdivision of blocks to bed smaller and pedestrian-friendly, and the implementation of diverse architectural typologies, collectively contributing to the promotion of a vibrant and inclusive urban environment.
